Janet Glowicz
Kim Newman
Janet Glowicz and Kim Newman presented information regarding new NHSN guidelines for conducting surveillance especially in relation to bloodstream, ventilator associated, urinary tract, and surgical site infections. They pointed out changes in the 2013 publication of the NHSN guidelines including the two day rule for central line infections, MBI-LCBI criteria, and types of wound closures now accepted for surgical cases. The examples and problem solving scenarios interspersed throughout their presentation assisted members to grasp the practicalities of applying the guidelines for surveillance. Many of the problem solving examples introduced some methods for decision making in difficult complex situations such as type two central line associated infections and caveats for declaring a surgical site infection. A list of eight ways in which Infection Preventionists and others are distracted in defining lower respiratory ventilator associated pneumonias were very insightful, and members were pleased to learn about the advantages of using the NHSN Ventilator-Associated Event Calculator. Those who attended the meeting left with a vast amount of information but also the desire to receive even more guidance from the presenters on improving surveillance methods.