Toni McKenna, DNSc, RN
Director, Center for Continuing Nursing Education, University of Texas Arlington
Dr. McKenna shared data from OSHA and other sources indicating that occupational injuries, especially among healthcare workers, have steadily increased in frequency and severity over the past decade. Safety and Health Issues were discussed with emphasis on information which needs to be shared with healthcare workers regarding hazard material, electrical safety, bloodborne pathogens, fire prevention, walking/working surface safety, ergonomics, and workplace violence prevention. Dr. McKenna offered several suggestions for how to engage employees in learning and using information about improving workplace safety. Using an interactive exercise, the speaker demonstrated how to make content relevant to daily work experiences, apply problem solving approaches for translating content into practice, and evaluating the learner’s comprehension of the information. Dr. McKenna suggested teaching techniques included discussions, use of pictures to depict situations, video clips emphasizing salient points, demonstration projects, and soliciting ideas from the learner.